Welcome to Drawing It Out

Have you ever wanted to draw?

The reason I draw is that I am literally drawing out whatever is in me. From every single event, place , person I am drawing it out. And what am I drawing, you may ask? The energy! That is also what I teach you through Drawing It Out. I teach you to draw your X out through DIO by way of letting it in and through what is meant for YOU. I encapsulate and envision settings and energies inherent in the settings. The DIO is for you to see that drawing is not a skill but something you do to lead a life in ease and serenity.

do you want to learn how drawing can help you?

I take commissions for bespoke illustrations and art works to augment the words and thoughts of authors, coaches, mentors and those who seek to inspire others.

do you want to create art for yourself?

If  You feel there is an inner artist waiting to get out, I will help you draw that person out from behind whatever facade has been holding you back. When you go through the phases in DIO, you will feel the transforming happen from the inside of You. Drawing It Out is a very personal process, where I am walking next to you all the way. The artist inside You was always there!

about siri

From the mountains of Norway, Siri started off life as a teacher before becoming a full time artist. Her work has always been inspired by her life, rich with drama, filled with emotion, always changing never still.

She has had many stages of her life filled with lightness and joy, and equally many with darkness and strife. But throughout her days her art has provided a window to her soul, allowing her to understand and develop her true feelings.

Throughout the years Siri has developed her own style of art which is boundless in energy and form. She enjoys using a wide range of colours, patterns and materials.

Siri’s spirituality has inspired her to use many natural forms in her art including animals, mythical creatures, the human form and nature itself. She feels it is in this pristine beauty that the truth of our existence can really be discovered.

woman and horse
Siri’s art is deeply spiritual and covers many topics including empowerment, freedom, beauty and healing. Her style is free form and energetic, combining dazzling colours with intricate patterns and characters.

Siri believes art speaks directly through the soul. Her drawings and paintings seek to uncover the truth behind our emotions, good and bad. In her work she looks at all kinds of issues including anxiety, depression, self doubt, anger and stress.

Siri teaches how to draw and paint online in a series of videos available to her followers. She also holds private classes and sessions for her students, giving them time and space to explore their own creativity under her supervision.

what people are saying

Siri is an amazing person who has inspired me so much. I am grateful to her for everything! male, UK 39

Siri has given us a great gift with her amazing classes and every time we speak to her we feel like we are learning something important every time. Female,40, Norway

Siri is my go illustrator for my books and meditations. Male,65, UK